Inductive Bible study (SOAP) is an approach to God’s Word focusing on three basic steps that move from a focus on specific details to a more general, universal principle. Through these three steps, we apply inductive reasoning, which is defined as the attempt to use information about a specific situation to draw a conclusion. The steps are observation (what does it say?), interpretation (what does it mean?), and application (what does it mean for my life?). Inductive Bible study is a valuable tool in understanding and applying the principles of God’s Word. In an inductive study everyone participates. We will be working through as much of a chapter of Marks Gospel each week, taking turns to do the following:
S: SCRIPTURE: Read a section of scripture, then summarise in your own words (What does it say? What verse stuck out to you the most?
O: Observation: Read the related Companion material below, then summarise one point/observation in your own words (Is their an issue being addressed?)
A: Application: How do you apply this truth to your life? What does it mean for us today?
P: Prayer: Following the study we will spend time in small groups praying. How do you implement this verse into your life? finish with the quiz below.
Mission 119 Weekly Reading
Readings can be prepared for prior to the study by reviewing The Mission 119 accessed online or through the app. Create a login, click on “grow” (bottom tab) and search “Mark” from the top search bar. Review the chapter of study and 10 minute devotional provided in Mission 119.
In this chapter Jesus explains to his apostles what was going to take place in the future.
Mark 13:1 – 31 Signs of the End
The teaching was sparked by a comment from one of the apostles as they were leaving the temple. An apostle noted the magnificence of the size and beauty of the temple construction. In response Jesus said in verse 2, “Do you see these great buildings? Not one stone will be left on another, every stone will be thrown down.”
The four primary apostles: Peter and Andrew, and James and John are resting with Jesus on the Mount of Olives. A place they retired to at the end of each day when they didn’t go on to Bethany. It was opposite the Eastern wall of the city which we’ve seen is the Eastern wall of the temple. From the Mount of Olives, there was a clear view across the Kidron Valley into the temple. They asked Jesus quietly when his prophesied destruction of this beautiful temple would take place and what would be the signs that it was about to happen.
Before we consider the answer Jesus gave, we should remind ourselves of the nature of predictive prophecy. Those who engage in predictive prophecy are those who respond to the leading of God to make known to their listeners the future plans of God. They do so with the awareness this is God’s grace revealing future actions to people, so these people can make the necessary changes to their lifestyle to conform to the ways of God.
Predictive prophecy was always vague on when the prophesied event would happen. This was because earthly timing had no connection with the timeless, spiritual realm of the Kingdom of God. This was also true of the time elapse between revealed events. It was not possible in predictive prophecy to know what the time difference was between revealed events. They could be weeks or millennia apart.
Even the order of events that are revealed by the prophet may not be the order of those same events when they occur. If the prophet sees the future in a dream or vision, the description of what is seen may not be recorded in the order in which events actually occur.
Also, the prophet may only be given a glimpse of a future event, and so his description of that event may be incomplete when compared with its actual occurrence.
It was not uncommon for predictive prophecy to have partial or even multiple fulfilments.
Now let’s consider the answer Jesus gave. It occupies the whole chapter. The apostles’ question is twofold: When will it happen and what are the signs that it is about to happen? Jesus reversed his answer and gave the signs of the end first, then briefly dealt with the timing of the end.
In verses 5 – 6 Jesus began his answer with a stern warning to his apostles. “Be careful you are not deceived. There will be people who will claim to be me.” This was an unexpected initial statement, because right from the outset of his answer Jesus indicated he would return. But his appearance at his return would be quite different from his present appearance which may lead some to confuse the charlatans with himself.
Mark 13: 7 – 8 Signs in the Nations
The first of the signs that would herald his return is the prediction of wars, earthquakes and famines. No time is given for how long these events will last or how many of them there will be, but it is good to know they are all anticipated to occur before the end comes. They’re just the pain of the coming end.
Mark 13: 9 – 13 Signs of Persecution
But first Jesus told his apostles the gospel must be preached to all nations. But he also warned them that, in doing so, they would be betrayed by family members and hated by all men. But Jesus exhorts them to stand firm and experience salvation. This betrayal and hatred will cause his witnessing church to be arrested, flogged and put on trial before governors and kings. But through this torment, his witnessing church need not worry about their defence because Jesus promised them the Holy Spirit who will tell them what to say.
Mark 13: 14 – 20 Signs in Judea and Jerusalem
“But when you see the abomination of desolation standing where he ought not to be (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.”
The phrase “abomination that causes desolation” was from the prophetic book of Daniel (9:27, 11:31 & 12:11). It was encrypted teaching so that those outside of the Jewish faith, the Romans, would not take offence. The phrase referred to an anticipated major sacrilege of the Jewish faith by the Romans which would occur in the temple. The result of such an action would cause a violent uprising from the Jewish people, particularly from those in Jerusalem. The uprising would bring an instant heavy-handed suppression of Judaism by the Romans. Because of the devastation upon the city caused by the action of the Romans, Jesus gave an emphatic warning to the people to immediately flee the city and the province.
Those days of distress are the worst since creation and if it wasn’t for God’s mercy in shortening the duration of the devastation, no one would survive.
Mark 13: 21 – 23 Signs of False Teachers
Jesus began his answer to the apostles with a warning about people who would try and deceive them. Now he gives more detail about the nature of the deception. There would be false reports of the Messiah appearing in certain places or cities; don’t be taken in. The false prophets and christs would even perform miracles and other signs for the purpose of deceiving the elect. Here was a deliberate strategy of Satan to falsify the work of the Kingdom of God though imitation. So God’s elect need to be on their guard!
Mark 13: 24 – 25 Signs in the Sky
Now Jesus quotes from Isaiah (13:10 & 34:4). Following this distress on earth, there will be distress in the skies. There will be visible changes in heavenly bodies: the sun will no longer give its light, so the moon will go dark. Stars will appear to fall and there will be other signs in the heavens.
Mark 13: 26 – 31 Son of Man Comes
Now Jesus gives the details of his coming.
• When Jesus referred to himself, he often used the Messianic title: Son of Man.
• Unlike his first coming, this time he will appear in the sky/clouds. The first time he was private and only gradually revealed himself. This time his appearing will be dramatic and very public.
• The clouds may refer to normal clouds or to his accompanying angels.
• “Power and glory” is reminiscent of his glory revealed on the Mount of Transfiguration.
• He comes with angels (messengers), and they will circumnavigate the earth looking for and finding every one of the Messiah’s elect.
• This gathering of the elect implies they are all brought together in one place—most likely in the air where Jesus, the Son of Man, is waiting.
• The term “elect” is often use to describe those who have been saved.
In verse 28 Jesus gives another mini parable. He says to consider the fig tree. When the fig tree begins to come into leaf, it is a sign that summer is near. So when all these signs that Jesus has listed have occurred, be assured that the appearing of the Son of Man is about to happen – he is right at the door.
Mark 13: 30 – 31 Generation Will Not Pass Away
These words are spoken by Jesus to reinforce the certainty of the preceding signs. He knew many of the signs he’d listed are mind blowing and seemingly impossible. Yet his words are eternal, and they will be fulfilled.
Many readers stumble over Jesus’ use of the expression, “This generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” What did Jesus mean by “this generation”? The word generation usually means the people who are alive today. Thus, it would seem that Jesus was saying everything he’d predicted, including his return, would all occur before the last person—alive in his day—died. With hind sight, we know this didn’t happen. So, was Jesus wrong or did he have another meaning in mind?
Let’s remember, Jesus said this at the conclusion of a long answer to the initial qustion of the apostles about when the temple stones would all be thrown down. Historically the temple was destroyed by the Roman General, Titus, following a four-year military campaign in Judea. The total destruction happened in 70 AD. Then many who were present with Jesus at that time were definitely still alive in 70 AD. So that part of the signs were fulfilled in this generation. Is this what Jesus meant?
Or did Jesus mean by generation people generally, that is all human life? Although to us this is a strange way of saying it, most commentators conclude it was what Jesus meant. When we compare it with the things that may pass away – heaven and earth – contrasted with his words that will never pass away, we can see Jesus was speaking hyperbole. He did this to make his point: the events he’d described are absolutely certain and are going to happen.
Therefore, this is an example of partial and multiple fulfilments of prophetic foretelling.
Mark 13: 32 – 37 When Will It Happen?
This is the question that always occupies earthbound man. The apostles wanted to know when the temple would be destroyed. Jesus gave them some local signs and then went on to give them worldwide signs. Some of those signs were fulfilled within the lifetime of the apostles while others were to be fulfilled in the distant future.
However, the timing of when all these things were/are going to happen was hidden from Jesus, the angels and the apostles. His return is sure, the signs are sure, but the when of it all happening is unknown. Or better, only known by the Father.
What’s important, said Jesus, was for the apostles (and by inference, all Christians) to be alert to the possssibility of these signs occurring at any time.
He added that the apostles needed also to be on their guard because of the deceptive work of false prophets and messiahs. To emphasise the importance of remaining on guard and staying alert, Jesus told them another short parable. This time it was about a man who went away but left his servants in charge at home, each with their own responsibility. He also appointed a servant to be on guard at the door ready to open it when the owner returned.
In the days of Jesus, travel was very uncertain. It was not possible to give advanced warnings of when travellers would return from their extended journeys. They could return at any time of the year, month or day. The importance of the man’s instructions to his servants made very good sense—because whenever the man returned, he wanted to find his household ready for him. That the business of the household was continuing, and they were living and functioning as though the owner would return at any moment. This fact was reinforced by Jesus when he concluded the parable with the instruction, “If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping.”
Then Jesus concluded this teaching on the future, sparked by the question of the apostles, with the words, “What I say to you, I say to everyone: ‘Watch!’” This was Jesus giving instructions to every one of his followers throughout time, that they must be aware and watching for the manifestation of any of these signs—as they will herald the return of Jesus.